You’re not just yet another person who died before their time…
You’re not just our “shocked to hear this” and our “I’m sorry for your loss”…
You’re not just the man that attained perfection in so little time to the point that ‘God wanted you with him’…
You’re not just the kindest and the purest and the friendliest of people that have ever existed, and all the other adjectives that we attached to you…
You’re not just the Facebook posts and the well written messages…
You’re not just the topic of the hour and the talk of the community…
You’re not just the gloom of sadness that has engulfed numerous spirits in numerous ways in the same time…
You’re not just the frame that exists by my bedside, that moves with me as the day goes by and that shares my bed during the night…
You’re not just the picture in the envelope that I sneaked to my first day back in work, hoping that no one would notice it and that everyone would in the same time…
You’re not just the well-groomed handsome man that adorns my lock screen…
You’re not just the desperation that is within me that I will no longer get to touch you or hear your voice…
You are my affectionate brother…
Forever and always…
But not just that…
You exist not only in my sadness and lamentations…
Not just when I think about you or remember you…
But you are beyond all of this…
You are bigger than all of this…
You are not a tragedy,
but we might as well be one…
in every sense of the word…
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