Blessed are you who suffer,
Specially you who agonize so much to the point that we can see it in your eyes…
To those who spend nights on end perched in bed in the form of a circle, struggling with emotions…
And to the ones who are increasingly aware of their inner pain to the point that they vow not to cause pain to others…
And let’s not forget about those who have seen their own insignificance as one see’s one’s reflection in a mirror, and henceforth every person, every creature, and every morsel of creation becomes deserving of being the centre of attention but not one’s existence…
Whatever you do,
We can see it from a distance…
Your mixture of vulnerability and kindness with a touch of melancholy…
Is a fragrance too sweet to be contained behind small talk and robotic action…
And blessed are those who get to recognise you by such aroma…
You are irresistible…
The salt of the earth…
The best our humanity can offer…
With all your doubts and with your inability to accept a compliment…
Even with your incapacity to see what is special within your heart…
May your fire be ever kindled…
May your agony never stop…
Yes, may it never stop…
But may you find someone else of the same mint,
someone with which you can not only co-agonise, but also unite with…
With which you can fully channel your desire of self-forgetfulness and etch closer towards that seemingly unattainable yet ever-attractive unity with every creation and ultimately the divine.
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