Well. I’ve written to a lot of emotions and never doubted to start the letter with the customary dear but for you, I don’t think you’re dear at all.
Forgive me for the rough start of this letter but I’ve been discovering time and again how you are one of the most destructive things that exist on our planet.
When the world is getting into lockdowns and unthinkable measures are taken to control an invisible contagion, I wonder whether all along you deserved the same treatment and fear but you constantly slipped under the faulty radar of our humanity.
I had an encounter with you today, as one of your hosts were exuding mouthful of words that were filled to the brim with your toxicity, tying me down with an invisible net of a shame that is simply not mine.
I, on the other hand, have become more and more apt at spotting you when you’re launched and of commanding your canons to stop and listen to what they’re saying, and that is exactly what I did.
I stood firm. I told your collaborator that I will not allow them to use such words and feelings of guilt with me. They’re not welcome.
But you, cunning as you are, have made sure my order fell unto dead ears, and three sentences later, the same slew of words were repeated with the objective of pinning me down further..
Here’s the thing..
I know you and can see you floating around in the air..
I can see how within my heart you are cancer, with every single conversation that featured you still wreaking havoc within..
But, contrary to the diagnostics I developed, your effect is still the same..
You still eat me up from the inside, even if you were spotted and asked to stay put.
I’m writing this to you, because one day, I will need to read this again and remember that communication with those who use you was and is an impossible endeavour.
That despite my pleas that they’d stop colluding with you, they never listened and continued to add you to the love they have, producing something no less shackling than the most violent of emotional abuse.
My plan has been and always will be to rid my system of you..
To find those who can see you and befriend them..
To stay away from those who are oblivious to the amount of damage that you inflict..
To have conversations with those I love and ask them to catch me in my tracks if I ever side, even the slightest, towards your poison..
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