Dear Uncertainity,
I think it is time for you to appear from the shadows and finally share what you’ve been up to and what you have on the back-burner, don’t you think?
The only thing that is certain about you is your presence..
Your lurking in every moment of life..
We know you and we know that you’re going to show up and make a scene..
And yet, you get us bewildered every single time..
We associate you with darkness and evil and unexpected trauma..
And that’s true, because those things never come through any other medium but the uncertainty of your persona.
But most of the time, we fail to recognise that you also bring good..
I guess we lay claim to the good that happen to us..
We don’t hastily associate it to you as we do with the painful and the agonising..
But you, or the cosmic force behinds you, do throw at us from time to time an unexpected good turn of events; A day passing without conflict, a contagious smile from a child that reverses our frown, and people, good people that stay.
I think it is time that we make peace with your creeping from behind..
Maybe, just maybe, your default is not anguish and misery?
Maybe then we would be more apte at seeing all the unexpected yet unmiserable that bares your imprint..
But if you can tone down the drama, that would be good.
Please tone down the drama.
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