Dear Potential,
Are you a bad thing or a good thing?
Some days you seem to be an unadulterated gift from on high..
and some other days, you’re an annoyance at best and a cause of ingratitude and anxiety..
I always wonder how life would be like if I didn’t have you..
Seeing the myriads of faces that are out there balancing hustling and simplicity of living..
Would I be more happy knowing that under the tree that I was born, I would live my life and eventually die?
Or would the confinement of your absence would have me scourging for you until I find my way back to the other end of the spectrum?
It’s hard to put to words the unease that you bring about within me sometimes..
It’s difficult to explain not wanting money or fame or power, yet because of you the soul yearns for more..
What is it that my essence so desperately want and you seem to encourage and fuel that need within?
For you can’t exist on your own, you’re always associated with something external..
One can’t have potential for potential..
So who paid you for the wreck you sometimes make?
Well, when one thinks of you that way..
As a lobbyist whose soul purpose is to move forward the business of others..
Then it becomes clear who is putting food on your table..
If it isn’t the need to love and to be loved..
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