Dear Pain,
I’m not sure whether you’d be able to sit still for sometime and listen to me, knowing how stubborn you are..
You’re on the constant move, between myriads of souls that occupy this Earth, but also within each body, constantly shifting and changing colour and intensity..
It seems that you have found a good abode in this ecosystem of ours..
After all, Isn’t the human race your biggest ally?
Passing you from one existence to the other, just as a new baby is passed between different laps as it comes into the world..
I can’t believe I’m saying this..
But thank you..
Thank you for without you I would never know the true dimensions of my soul..
For when you seep into the soul, the clouds of confusion that comes with you reaches parts of me I never knew existed..
It tantalises and skins all the visible strength within me..
Exposing yet another layer of strength that endures and lasts and thrives in vulnerability..
I didn’t know myself before I met you..
And now as you have made what seems to be a constant encampment around my presence, I get to know myself and those around me more and more..
Sure, you’ve left me maimed, but aren’t we all?
Yes, my heart has holes and gaps like that of Swiss cheese..
But those holes are a million times better than the false sense of self that you’ve helped drain out of me..
I still don’t fully comprehend you and the rules by which you operate..
You are still as unpredictable as it could get and maybe that’s what I fear the most about you..
And sometimes you leave me wondering whether you’re broiling one final blow of agony..
But The One to whom my heart is drawn knows everything about you..
In fact, you yourself have tried every trick in your book to disfigure all the goodness that He brought into our world..
And for a moment, you thought you succeeded..
But after the momentary fog of your tantrum was dispersed, He was still there, staring you in the eye, and instilling in you forever that sense of fear that you try and push into our frail bodies.
The final word wasn’t yours then..
And after you’re done with me, the final word will not be yours either..
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