Amidst the confusing I write those lines..
Not sure whether some sense would result from an exercise like this..
See, I stopped having faith in reason..
At least that which reaches the shore of my existence..
For such rarely stand the test of time..
Dissolving in one’s hands when dilemmas and traumas strike and wash off the hopeful and the edifying..
Why stand up after every fall?
You’re pretty sure you’d be knocked down very soon..
Why give an effort for awareness when living aimlessly gets your mind off of those things that keep you up for nights on end..
I don’t know what has been happening in your life of late..
But one thing I know about you is that you’re trying to survive..
Things on your plate have been mounting up and less and less is being taken away..
You’re not alone.
I know that’s hard to believe in the age of filters of picturesque..
But believe me, You are not alone..
I hope you remember to breath..
If you didn’t today, well, there’s a tomorrow..
I hope you take a moment to tell yourself..
That it’s okay not to be okay sometimes..
That you are accepted and you are loved even if you haven’t felt or heard that from someone..
For your soul having taken flesh and being bestowed a human journey..
Yearns for trials of reasoning, however whimsical..
For surely one day, the tide would come and that reasoning of yours would survive the waters unscathed.
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